Print Analysis Services
FACT: Many companies underestimate their printing needs and expenses by as much as 50%
Moorgate Print Analysis Service will provide your business with the information that it needs to conquer the uphill battle against excess consumer printing. With this service you will be able to cut spending costs of your printer from paper to toner, and even printers, which could save you a significant amount on your annual budget.
Try the full Print Audit 6 Suite today!
Click here for a free 15-day trial.
Our methodology
Moorgate uses the most powerful print management and print tracking system in the world. It is comprised of three components called Analysis, Reduction and Recovery. These components can be purchased as a suite or individually. We first carry out an audit to collate all network printing information from every user on the network to every device on the network, whether the output device is authorised or not, for an agreed time period (usually 30 days) and produce a report.
The report will detail such information as pages per job, number of jobs per user, number of jobs per printer, percentage of colour/ mono, averages of volumes and a number of other aspects that can be produced from the information collected. This will include a device inventory which itself can be a useful tool to identify exactly what devices are on the network.
Use the ANALYSIS for reporting on...
- Discover where prints are done
- Learn who is printing, and what documents
- Learn how documents are being produced (time, process etc.)
- Information helps to answer questions like...
- Are devices being used to their full potential?
- Are there cost saving opportunities?
- Printer volumes
- Workflow Budgeting
- Establishing TCO
- Identify output/workflow/efficiency issues on networks
Key features
- Tracks printing silently behind the scenes
- Contains a powerful volume analysis reporting tool that can help identify equipment inefficiencies and bottlenecks
- Tracks device port, duplex information,number of pages, number of copies, network user and much more
- Installs silently to tens, hundreds or thousands of workstations
- Automatic colour and monochrome tracking
- Stores detailed information about every device that prints
- Automatically builds inventory lists of every user, printing device and computer
Software Modules

The cost effective first step in reducing your printing costs by up to 77%. Get an accurate picture of what your print volumes truly are and utilise Analysis comprehensive reporting capabilities to optimise your printing fleet.

Reduction allows enterprises to restrict colour usage by user, enforce printing limits and redirect expensive print jobs to the most efficient printing device.

Recovery is a print accounting tool that automates every step of the charge-back process. Bullet proof security, and 100% print capture ensures the maximum recovery of all your network and local printing and plotting.
System Requirements: Moorgate Print Analysis Service can be installed on computers that use Microsoft Windows operating systems. Supported versions are Windows 95,98,ME,4.0,2000,2003 and XP.
For more information contact us on 01925 761700 or